
Aave (aave)


-20.00$ (-10.16486%)

Trading Volume (24 hours): $352,565,214.00

Historical Price Data
Abnormal Volatility

No abnormal volatility found.

Abnormal Volume

No abnormal volumes found.

RSI: 39.141824661856
🟡 RSI within 30–70 (neutral signal, Hold)
MACD: MACD: 177.23551416787, SIGNAL: 169.55823003356, HISTOGRAM: 177.23551416787
🟢 Histogram above zero (Buy)
BollingerBands: SMA: 177.3125, UPPERBAND: 177.97295060375, LOWERBAND: 176.65204939625
🟢 Price below the lower band (Buy)
SMA: 177.3125
🔴 Price below SMA (Sell)
ADX: 13.42535113995
No trend (ADX < 20)
ATR: 0.4014614957096
Low volatility. Relative ATR: 0.23%. Average price movement range: 0.40
Ichimoku: TENKAN: 177.275, KIJUN: 177.11, SENKOUA: 177.1925, SENKOUB: 177.49
🔴 Price below Ichimoku cloud. Bearish trend.
VWAP: 177.41749836269
🔴 Price below VWAP. Market appears bearish.
ParabolicSAR: 177.8414597632
🔴 Price below SAR. Bearish trend.
EMACross: SHORTEMA: 177.23551416787, LONGEMA: 177.32338562692
🔴 Short EMA below long EMA. Bearish trend.
Fibonacci: 0%: 176.22, 23.6%: 177.50856, 38.2%: 178.30572, 50%: 178.95, 61.8%: 179.59428, 100%: 181.68
🟡 Fibonacci Levels provided for analysis.
ChaikinOscillator: -8.1664235590597
🔴 Oscillator below zero. Money flow favors selling.
DonchianChannels: UPPER: 178, LOWER: 176.55, MIDDLE: 177.275
🟡 Price within the channel. Market is stable.
WilliamsR: -93.103448275862
🟢 Asset is oversold (Williams %R < -80).
KeltnerChannels: UPPER: 178.13566475485, LOWER: 176.48933524515, MIDDLE: 177.3125
🟡 Price within Keltner channel. Market is stable.
CCI: -159.3374177445
🔴 CCI below -100. Sell signal.
MACDHistogram: 0: 0
🟡 MACD Histogram at zero. Neutral trend.
HeikenAshi: OPEN: 177.12523958466, CLOSE: 176.775, HIGH: 177.12523958466, LOW: 176.55
🔴 Bearish Heiken Ashi candle. Downtrend.
DPO: -0.66250000000002
🔴 DPO negative. Local bearish momentum.
PivotPoints: PIVOT: 176.87, RESISTANCE1: 177.12, RESISTANCE2: 177.28, SUPPORT1: 176.71, SUPPORT2: 176.46
🔴 Price below Pivot Point. Decline possible.
UltimateOscillator: 50.324922318305
🟡 Ultimate Oscillator within 30–70. Neutral signal.
ADLine: 826.49168877142
🔴 A/D Line falls with the price. Downtrend confirmed.
ROC: -0.1751808318264
🔴 ROC negative. Price is falling.
Summary Statistics (1m): 🟢 Buy: 4 🔴 Sell: 12 🟡 Hold: 6
RSI: 43.103641068686
🟡 RSI within 30–70 (neutral signal, Hold)
MACD: MACD: 177.81340026926, SIGNAL: 170.31957335043, HISTOGRAM: 177.81340026926
🟢 Histogram above zero (Buy)
BollingerBands: SMA: 178.23, UPPERBAND: 180.47026784113, LOWERBAND: 175.98973215887
🟡 Price within the range (Hold)
SMA: 178.23
🔴 Price below SMA (Sell)
StochasticOscillator: 70
🟡 Stochastic within 20–80 (neutral signal, Hold)
ADX: 12.530579886517
No trend (ADX < 20)
ATR: 0.85223147119764
Low volatility. Relative ATR: 0.48%. Average price movement range: 0.85
Ichimoku: TENKAN: 177.12, KIJUN: 179.365, SENKOUA: 178.2425, SENKOUB: 179.995
🔴 Price below Ichimoku cloud. Bearish trend.
VWAP: 179.793161181
🔴 Price below VWAP. Market appears bearish.
ParabolicSAR: 176.4511811584
🟢 Price above SAR. Bullish trend.
EMACross: SHORTEMA: 177.81340026926, LONGEMA: 178.64291480686
🔴 Short EMA below long EMA. Bearish trend.
Fibonacci: 0%: 176.22, 23.6%: 180.75592, 38.2%: 183.56204, 50%: 185.83, 61.8%: 188.09796, 100%: 195.44
🟡 Fibonacci Levels provided for analysis.
ChaikinOscillator: 146.97823574553
🟢 Oscillator above zero. Money flow favors buying.
DonchianChannels: UPPER: 181.68, LOWER: 176.22, MIDDLE: 178.95
🟡 Price within the channel. Market is stable.
WilliamsR: -37.818181818182
🟡 Neutral market (Williams %R between -80 and -20).
KeltnerChannels: UPPER: 179.90669052087, LOWER: 176.55330947913, MIDDLE: 178.23
🟡 Price within Keltner channel. Market is stable.
CCI: -31.422691995335
🟡 CCI within -100 to 100. Neutral market.
MACDHistogram: 0: 0
🟡 MACD Histogram at zero. Neutral trend.
HeikenAshi: OPEN: 177.31489627885, CLOSE: 177.71, HIGH: 177.96, LOW: 177.31489627885
🟢 Bullish Heiken Ashi candle. Uptrend.
DPO: -0.29999999999998
🔴 DPO negative. Local bearish momentum.
PivotPoints: PIVOT: 177.25333333333, RESISTANCE1: 177.77666666667, RESISTANCE2: 178.05333333333, SUPPORT1: 176.97666666667, SUPPORT2: 176.45333333333
🔴 Price below Pivot Point. Decline possible.
UltimateOscillator: 71.183030096089
🔴 Ultimate Oscillator above 70. Asset is overbought.
ADLine: 5408.451986631
🟡 A/D Line rises, but the price falls. Possible divergence.
ROC: 0.24225352112676
🟢 ROC positive. Price is rising.
Summary Statistics (5m): 🟢 Buy: 5 🔴 Sell: 7 🟡 Hold: 10
RSI: 29.927064851975
🟢 RSI below 30 (oversold, Buy)
MACD: MACD: 178.95682689341, SIGNAL: 172.30849430284, HISTOGRAM: 178.95682689341
🟢 Histogram above zero (Buy)
BollingerBands: SMA: 179.6925, UPPERBAND: 183.05176703315, LOWERBAND: 176.33323296685
🟡 Price within the range (Hold)
SMA: 179.6925
🔴 Price below SMA (Sell)
ADX: 12.088972279657
No trend (ADX < 20)
ATR: 1.8288528200703
Medium volatility. Relative ATR: 1.04%. Average price movement range: 1.83
Ichimoku: TENKAN: 179.365, KIJUN: 183.95, SENKOUA: 181.6575, SENKOUB: 185.83
🔴 Price below Ichimoku cloud. Bearish trend.
VWAP: 185.79780911764
🔴 Price below VWAP. Market appears bearish.
ParabolicSAR: 181.97413975859
🔴 Price below SAR. Bearish trend.
EMACross: SHORTEMA: 178.95682689341, LONGEMA: 181.32518176229
🔴 Short EMA below long EMA. Bearish trend.
Fibonacci: 0%: 176.22, 23.6%: 181.52292, 38.2%: 184.80354, 50%: 187.455, 61.8%: 190.10646, 100%: 198.69
🟡 Fibonacci Levels provided for analysis.
ChaikinOscillator: 164.74855184057
🟢 Oscillator above zero. Money flow favors buying.
DonchianChannels: UPPER: 183.77, LOWER: 176.22, MIDDLE: 179.995
🟡 Price within the channel. Market is stable.
WilliamsR: -88.87417218543
🟢 Asset is oversold (Williams %R < -80).
KeltnerChannels: UPPER: 183.60440356919, LOWER: 175.78059643081, MIDDLE: 179.6925
🟡 Price within Keltner channel. Market is stable.
CCI: -125.3073973036
🔴 CCI below -100. Sell signal.
MACDHistogram: 0: 0
🟡 MACD Histogram at zero. Neutral trend.
HeikenAshi: OPEN: 177.5899631284, CLOSE: 177.17, HIGH: 177.5899631284, LOW: 176.96
🔴 Bearish Heiken Ashi candle. Downtrend.
DPO: -2.6325
🔴 DPO negative. Local bearish momentum.
PivotPoints: PIVOT: 177.28666666667, RESISTANCE1: 178.02333333333, RESISTANCE2: 178.73666666667, SUPPORT1: 176.57333333333, SUPPORT2: 175.83666666667
🔴 Price below Pivot Point. Decline possible.
UltimateOscillator: 41.25661892042
🟡 Ultimate Oscillator within 30–70. Neutral signal.
ADLine: -12098.755831945
🔴 A/D Line falls with the price. Downtrend confirmed.
ROC: -0.14099599571372
🔴 ROC negative. Price is falling.
Summary Statistics (15m): 🟢 Buy: 5 🔴 Sell: 11 🟡 Hold: 6
RSI: 28.964774211858
🟢 RSI below 30 (oversold, Buy)
MACD: MACD: 180.43505794508, SIGNAL: 174.9263649553, HISTOGRAM: 180.43505794508
🟢 Histogram above zero (Buy)
BollingerBands: SMA: 183.816, UPPERBAND: 194.5877731131, LOWERBAND: 173.0442268869
🟡 Price within the range (Hold)
SMA: 183.816
🔴 Price below SMA (Sell)
ADX: 14.923201543044
No trend (ADX < 20)
ATR: 2.7976923248584
Medium volatility. Relative ATR: 1.58%. Average price movement range: 2.80
Ichimoku: TENKAN: 179.995, KIJUN: 185.83, SENKOUA: 182.9125, SENKOUB: 187.775
🔴 Price below Ichimoku cloud. Bearish trend.
VWAP: 187.86791224795
🔴 Price below VWAP. Market appears bearish.
ParabolicSAR: 183.34257312908
🔴 Price below SAR. Bearish trend.
EMACross: SHORTEMA: 180.43505794508, LONGEMA: 184.20861420843
🔴 Short EMA below long EMA. Bearish trend.
Fibonacci: 0%: 176.22, 23.6%: 182.55424, 38.2%: 186.47288, 50%: 189.64, 61.8%: 192.80712, 100%: 203.06
🟡 Fibonacci Levels provided for analysis.
ChaikinOscillator: 990.49441362364
🟢 Oscillator above zero. Money flow favors buying.
DonchianChannels: UPPER: 195.44, LOWER: 176.22, MIDDLE: 185.83
🟡 Price within the channel. Market is stable.
WilliamsR: -94.566623544631
🟢 Asset is oversold (Williams %R < -80).
KeltnerChannels: UPPER: 189.59745699518, LOWER: 178.03454300482, MIDDLE: 183.816
🔴 Price below Keltner lower channel. Bearish breakout possible.
CCI: -96.406793154685
🟡 CCI within -100 to 100. Neutral market.
MACDHistogram: 0: 0
🟡 MACD Histogram at zero. Neutral trend.
HeikenAshi: OPEN: 178.18207661404, CLOSE: 177.17, HIGH: 178.18207661404, LOW: 176.96
🔴 Bearish Heiken Ashi candle. Downtrend.
DPO: -6.756
🔴 DPO negative. Local bearish momentum.
PivotPoints: PIVOT: 177.17666666667, RESISTANCE1: 178.13333333333, RESISTANCE2: 178.95666666667, SUPPORT1: 176.35333333333, SUPPORT2: 175.39666666667
🔴 Price below Pivot Point. Decline possible.
UltimateOscillator: 34.308834980524
🟡 Ultimate Oscillator within 30–70. Neutral signal.
ADLine: -50826.206666531
🔴 A/D Line falls with the price. Downtrend confirmed.
ROC: -0.14099599571372
🔴 ROC negative. Price is falling.
Summary Statistics (30m): 🟢 Buy: 5 🔴 Sell: 11 🟡 Hold: 6
RSI: 31.485852633036
🟡 RSI within 30–70 (neutral signal, Hold)
MACD: MACD: 183.41237302261, SIGNAL: 178.98889297901, HISTOGRAM: 183.41237302261
🟢 Histogram above zero (Buy)
BollingerBands: SMA: 188.26, UPPERBAND: 201.30464027867, LOWERBAND: 175.21535972133
🟡 Price within the range (Hold)
SMA: 188.26
🔴 Price below SMA (Sell)
ADX: 14.145639713543
No trend (ADX < 20)
ATR: 4.4118696272445
High volatility. Relative ATR: 2.50%. Average price movement range: 4.41
Ichimoku: TENKAN: 185.83, KIJUN: 187.775, SENKOUA: 186.8025, SENKOUB: 192.5
🔴 Price below Ichimoku cloud. Bearish trend.
VWAP: 190.11280425937
🔴 Price below VWAP. Market appears bearish.
ParabolicSAR: 190.66507618304
🔴 Price below SAR. Bearish trend.
EMACross: SHORTEMA: 183.41237302261, LONGEMA: 187.69979347029
🔴 Short EMA below long EMA. Bearish trend.
Fibonacci: 0%: 176.22, 23.6%: 191.70396, 38.2%: 201.28302, 50%: 209.025, 61.8%: 216.76698, 100%: 241.83
🟡 Fibonacci Levels provided for analysis.
ChaikinOscillator: 1310.2538969223
🟢 Oscillator above zero. Money flow favors buying.
DonchianChannels: UPPER: 198.23, LOWER: 176.22, MIDDLE: 187.225
🟡 Price within the channel. Market is stable.
WilliamsR: -95.577523413111
🟢 Asset is oversold (Williams %R < -80).
KeltnerChannels: UPPER: 196.43474021399, LOWER: 180.08525978601, MIDDLE: 188.26
🔴 Price below Keltner lower channel. Bearish breakout possible.
CCI: -144.10065556922
🔴 CCI below -100. Sell signal.
MACDHistogram: 0: 0
🟡 MACD Histogram at zero. Neutral trend.
HeikenAshi: OPEN: 180.53604302952, CLOSE: 177.1375, HIGH: 180.53604302952, LOW: 176.22
🔴 Bearish Heiken Ashi candle. Downtrend.
DPO: -11.19
🔴 DPO negative. Local bearish momentum.
PivotPoints: PIVOT: 178.62666666667, RESISTANCE1: 180.30333333333, RESISTANCE2: 183.35666666667, SUPPORT1: 175.57333333333, SUPPORT2: 173.89666666667
🔴 Price below Pivot Point. Decline possible.
UltimateOscillator: 29.966165158426
🟢 Ultimate Oscillator below 30. Asset is oversold.
ADLine: -70507.283313091
🔴 A/D Line falls with the price. Downtrend confirmed.
ROC: -0.1015514809591
🔴 ROC negative. Price is falling.
Summary Statistics (1h): 🟢 Buy: 5 🔴 Sell: 12 🟡 Hold: 5
RSI: 36.743966297113
🟡 RSI within 30–70 (neutral signal, Hold)
MACD: MACD: 203.57911468351, SIGNAL: 204.27888688487, HISTOGRAM: 203.57911468351
🟢 Histogram above zero (Buy)
BollingerBands: SMA: 216.055, UPPERBAND: 266.0305490215, LOWERBAND: 166.0794509785
🟡 Price within the range (Hold)
SMA: 216.055
🔴 Price below SMA (Sell)
ADX: 11.474718231132
No trend (ADX < 20)
ATR: 25.122686776311
High volatility. Relative ATR: 14.16%. Average price movement range: 25.12
Ichimoku: TENKAN: 204.675, KIJUN: 223.1, SENKOUA: 213.8875, SENKOUB: 273.005
🔴 Price below Ichimoku cloud. Bearish trend.
VWAP: 262.10853743475
🔴 Price below VWAP. Market appears bearish.
ParabolicSAR: 171.89002248
🟢 Price above SAR. Bullish trend.
EMACross: SHORTEMA: 203.57911468351, LONGEMA: 221.83361506576
🔴 Short EMA below long EMA. Bearish trend.
Fibonacci: 0%: 167.52, 23.6%: 222.34988, 38.2%: 256.27006, 50%: 283.685, 61.8%: 311.09994, 100%: 399.85
🟡 Fibonacci Levels provided for analysis.
ChaikinOscillator: -74611.952517353
🔴 Oscillator below zero. Money flow favors selling.
DonchianChannels: UPPER: 269.11, LOWER: 167.52, MIDDLE: 218.315
🟡 Price within the channel. Market is stable.
WilliamsR: -88.477517106549
🟢 Asset is oversold (Williams %R < -80).
KeltnerChannels: UPPER: 262.36168036778, LOWER: 169.74831963222, MIDDLE: 216.055
🟡 Price within Keltner channel. Market is stable.
CCI: -104.34771711957
🔴 CCI below -100. Sell signal.
MACDHistogram: 0: 0
🟡 MACD Histogram at zero. Neutral trend.
HeikenAshi: OPEN: 201.13776803453, CLOSE: 186.7825, HIGH: 201.13776803453, LOW: 176.22
🔴 Bearish Heiken Ashi candle. Downtrend.
DPO: -39.105
🔴 DPO negative. Local bearish momentum.
PivotPoints: PIVOT: 193.4, RESISTANCE1: 201.67, RESISTANCE2: 207.6, SUPPORT1: 187.47, SUPPORT2: 179.2
🔴 Price below Pivot Point. Decline possible.
UltimateOscillator: 39.14239747951
🟡 Ultimate Oscillator within 30–70. Neutral signal.
ADLine: 118151.46169454
🔴 A/D Line falls with the price. Downtrend confirmed.
ROC: -9.5994686829468
🔴 ROC negative. Price is falling.
Summary Statistics (1d): 🟢 Buy: 4 🔴 Sell: 11 🟡 Hold: 7
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