
Aptos (apt)


-0.21$ (-3.55495%)

Trading Volume (24 hours): $193,279,155.00

Historical Price Data
Abnormal Volatility

No abnormal volatility found.

Abnormal Volume

No abnormal volumes found.

RSI: 58.395246375019
🟡 RSI within 30–70 (neutral signal, Hold)
MACD: MACD: 5.6825585871613, SIGNAL: 5.4239376631895, HISTOGRAM: 5.6825585871613
🟢 Histogram above zero (Buy)
BollingerBands: SMA: 5.6681, UPPERBAND: 5.7084678089571, LOWERBAND: 5.6277321910429
🟡 Price within the range (Hold)
SMA: 5.6681
🟢 Price above SMA (Buy)
StochasticOscillator: 84.444444444443
🔴 Stochastic above 80 (overbought, Sell)
ADX: 13.606575854763
No trend (ADX < 20)
ATR: 0.012678071791683
Low volatility. Relative ATR: 0.22%. Average price movement range: 0.01
Ichimoku: TENKAN: 5.683, KIJUN: 5.6615, SENKOUA: 5.67225, SENKOUB: 5.6635
🟢 Price above Ichimoku cloud. Bullish trend.
VWAP: 5.6677236503919
🟢 Price above VWAP. Market appears bullish.
ParabolicSAR: 5.6705954884488
🟢 Price above SAR. Bullish trend.
EMACross: SHORTEMA: 5.6825585871613, LONGEMA: 5.6761675149431
🟢 Short EMA above long EMA. Bullish trend.
Fibonacci: 0%: 5.62, 23.6%: 5.66602, 38.2%: 5.69449, 50%: 5.7175, 61.8%: 5.74051, 100%: 5.815
🟡 Fibonacci Levels provided for analysis.
ChaikinOscillator: 447.29971918907
🟢 Oscillator above zero. Money flow favors buying.
DonchianChannels: UPPER: 5.703, LOWER: 5.62, MIDDLE: 5.6615
🟡 Price within the channel. Market is stable.
WilliamsR: -16.129032258066
🔴 Asset is overbought (Williams %R > -20).
KeltnerChannels: UPPER: 5.6944990684068, LOWER: 5.6417009315932, MIDDLE: 5.6681
🟡 Price within Keltner channel. Market is stable.
CCI: 116.21687332847
🟢 CCI above 100. Buy signal.
MACDHistogram: 0: 0
🟡 MACD Histogram at zero. Neutral trend.
HeikenAshi: OPEN: 5.6921300779826, CLOSE: 5.696, HIGH: 5.699, LOW: 5.6921300779826
🟢 Bullish Heiken Ashi candle. Uptrend.
DPO: 0.024899999999999
🟢 DPO positive. Local bullish momentum.
PivotPoints: PIVOT: 5.6963333333333, RESISTANCE1: 5.7016666666667, RESISTANCE2: 5.7043333333333, SUPPORT1: 5.6936666666667, SUPPORT2: 5.6883333333333
🔴 Price below Pivot Point. Decline possible.
UltimateOscillator: 65.464481072466
🟡 Ultimate Oscillator within 30–70. Neutral signal.
ADLine: 8529.0289002181
🔴 A/D Line falls with the price. Downtrend confirmed.
ROC: -0.10528162835586
🔴 ROC negative. Price is falling.
Summary Statistics (1m): 🟢 Buy: 10 🔴 Sell: 5 🟡 Hold: 7
RSI: 46.398827504068
🟡 RSI within 30–70 (neutral signal, Hold)
MACD: MACD: 5.6840467688501, SIGNAL: 5.4448518882127, HISTOGRAM: 5.6840467688501
🟢 Histogram above zero (Buy)
BollingerBands: SMA: 5.705, UPPERBAND: 5.8085528850395, LOWERBAND: 5.6014471149605
🟡 Price within the range (Hold)
SMA: 5.705
🔴 Price below SMA (Sell)
StochasticOscillator: 77.027027027028
🟡 Stochastic within 20–80 (neutral signal, Hold)
ADX: 15.419264595579
No trend (ADX < 20)
ATR: 0.031136907393086
Medium volatility. Relative ATR: 0.55%. Average price movement range: 0.03
Ichimoku: TENKAN: 5.6635, KIJUN: 5.729, SENKOUA: 5.69625, SENKOUB: 5.729
🔴 Price below Ichimoku cloud. Bearish trend.
VWAP: 5.716194668635
🔴 Price below VWAP. Market appears bearish.
ParabolicSAR: 5.701883704
🔴 Price below SAR. Bearish trend.
EMACross: SHORTEMA: 5.6840467688501, LONGEMA: 5.7068799412849
🔴 Short EMA below long EMA. Bearish trend.
Fibonacci: 0%: 5.62, 23.6%: 5.73092, 38.2%: 5.79954, 50%: 5.855, 61.8%: 5.91046, 100%: 6.09
🟡 Fibonacci Levels provided for analysis.
ChaikinOscillator: 3887.3510193345
🟢 Oscillator above zero. Money flow favors buying.
DonchianChannels: UPPER: 5.815, LOWER: 5.62, MIDDLE: 5.7175
🟡 Price within the channel. Market is stable.
WilliamsR: -37.5
🟡 Neutral market (Williams %R between -80 and -20).
KeltnerChannels: UPPER: 5.7664863621869, LOWER: 5.6435136378131, MIDDLE: 5.705
🟡 Price within Keltner channel. Market is stable.
CCI: -23.033058775295
🟡 CCI within -100 to 100. Neutral market.
MACDHistogram: 0: 0
🟡 MACD Histogram at zero. Neutral trend.
HeikenAshi: OPEN: 5.666163516494, CLOSE: 5.68975, HIGH: 5.693, LOW: 5.666163516494
🟢 Bullish Heiken Ashi candle. Uptrend.
DPO: -0.014999999999999
🔴 DPO negative. Local bearish momentum.
PivotPoints: PIVOT: 5.679, RESISTANCE1: 5.7, RESISTANCE2: 5.713, SUPPORT1: 5.666, SUPPORT2: 5.645
🟢 Price above Pivot Point. Growth possible.
UltimateOscillator: 51.816253383074
🟡 Ultimate Oscillator within 30–70. Neutral signal.
ADLine: -151304.6478234
🔴 A/D Line falls with the price. Downtrend confirmed.
ROC: 0.05275189027607
🟢 ROC positive. Price is rising.
Summary Statistics (5m): 🟢 Buy: 5 🔴 Sell: 7 🟡 Hold: 10
RSI: 41.938590425882
🟡 RSI within 30–70 (neutral signal, Hold)
MACD: MACD: 5.7177157494308, SIGNAL: 5.4933594478284, HISTOGRAM: 5.7177157494308
🟢 Histogram above zero (Buy)
BollingerBands: SMA: 5.72765, UPPERBAND: 5.8382000339213, LOWERBAND: 5.6170999660787
🟡 Price within the range (Hold)
SMA: 5.72765
🔴 Price below SMA (Sell)
StochasticOscillator: 26.519337016575
🟡 Stochastic within 20–80 (neutral signal, Hold)
ADX: 14.296341429602
No trend (ADX < 20)
ATR: 0.064426619060693
Medium volatility. Relative ATR: 1.13%. Average price movement range: 0.06
Ichimoku: TENKAN: 5.729, KIJUN: 5.8245, SENKOUA: 5.77675, SENKOUB: 5.855
🔴 Price below Ichimoku cloud. Bearish trend.
VWAP: 5.8734185357782
🔴 Price below VWAP. Market appears bearish.
ParabolicSAR: 5.81781949696
🔴 Price below SAR. Bearish trend.
EMACross: SHORTEMA: 5.7177157494308, LONGEMA: 5.7713021976741
🔴 Short EMA below long EMA. Bearish trend.
Fibonacci: 0%: 5.62, 23.6%: 5.744608, 38.2%: 5.821696, 50%: 5.884, 61.8%: 5.946304, 100%: 6.148
🟡 Fibonacci Levels provided for analysis.
ChaikinOscillator: 11458.376628351
🟢 Oscillator above zero. Money flow favors buying.
DonchianChannels: UPPER: 5.888, LOWER: 5.62, MIDDLE: 5.754
🟡 Price within the channel. Market is stable.
WilliamsR: -67.889908256881
🟡 Neutral market (Williams %R between -80 and -20).
KeltnerChannels: UPPER: 5.8696383612934, LOWER: 5.5856616387066, MIDDLE: 5.72765
🟡 Price within Keltner channel. Market is stable.
CCI: -60.048474056486
🟡 CCI within -100 to 100. Neutral market.
MACDHistogram: 0: 0
🟡 MACD Histogram at zero. Neutral trend.
HeikenAshi: OPEN: 5.6752807480868, CLOSE: 5.68975, HIGH: 5.693, LOW: 5.6752807480868
🟢 Bullish Heiken Ashi candle. Uptrend.
DPO: -0.037649999999999
🔴 DPO negative. Local bearish momentum.
PivotPoints: PIVOT: 5.6663333333333, RESISTANCE1: 5.7126666666667, RESISTANCE2: 5.7383333333333, SUPPORT1: 5.6406666666667, SUPPORT2: 5.5943333333333
🟢 Price above Pivot Point. Growth possible.
UltimateOscillator: 43.661832034301
🟡 Ultimate Oscillator within 30–70. Neutral signal.
ADLine: -292749.49934683
🔴 A/D Line falls with the price. Downtrend confirmed.
ROC: 0.05275189027607
🟢 ROC positive. Price is rising.
Summary Statistics (15m): 🟢 Buy: 5 🔴 Sell: 7 🟡 Hold: 10
RSI: 36.778702329443
🟡 RSI within 30–70 (neutral signal, Hold)
MACD: MACD: 5.746766093234, SIGNAL: 5.5545478081521, HISTOGRAM: 5.746766093234
🟢 Histogram above zero (Buy)
BollingerBands: SMA: 5.8363, UPPERBAND: 6.1124138171117, LOWERBAND: 5.5601861828883
🟡 Price within the range (Hold)
SMA: 5.8363
🔴 Price below SMA (Sell)
StochasticOscillator: 3.9274924471299
🟢 Stochastic below 20 (oversold, Buy)
ADX: 15.419264595579
No trend (ADX < 20)
ATR: 0.094658364616708
Medium volatility. Relative ATR: 1.67%. Average price movement range: 0.09
Ichimoku: TENKAN: 5.733, KIJUN: 5.859, SENKOUA: 5.796, SENKOUB: 5.888
🔴 Price below Ichimoku cloud. Bearish trend.
VWAP: 5.9077154899453
🔴 Price below VWAP. Market appears bearish.
ParabolicSAR: 5.8106489575731
🔴 Price below SAR. Bearish trend.
EMACross: SHORTEMA: 5.746766093234, LONGEMA: 5.8249041524184
🔴 Short EMA below long EMA. Bearish trend.
Fibonacci: 0%: 5.628, 23.6%: 5.805708, 38.2%: 5.915646, 50%: 6.0045, 61.8%: 6.093354, 100%: 6.381
🟡 Fibonacci Levels provided for analysis.
ChaikinOscillator: 7859.5713705896
🟢 Oscillator above zero. Money flow favors buying.
DonchianChannels: UPPER: 6.09, LOWER: 5.628, MIDDLE: 5.859
🟡 Price within the channel. Market is stable.
WilliamsR: -93.266832917706
🟢 Asset is oversold (Williams %R < -80).
KeltnerChannels: UPPER: 6.0295114502058, LOWER: 5.6430885497942, MIDDLE: 5.8363
🟡 Price within Keltner channel. Market is stable.
CCI: -102.80081076101
🔴 CCI below -100. Sell signal.
MACDHistogram: 0: 0
🟡 MACD Histogram at zero. Neutral trend.
HeikenAshi: OPEN: 5.699643115171, CLOSE: 5.65725, HIGH: 5.699643115171, LOW: 5.655
🔴 Bearish Heiken Ashi candle. Downtrend.
DPO: -0.1813
🔴 DPO negative. Local bearish momentum.
PivotPoints: PIVOT: 5.6666666666667, RESISTANCE1: 5.6983333333333, RESISTANCE2: 5.7386666666667, SUPPORT1: 5.6263333333333, SUPPORT2: 5.5946666666667
🔴 Price below Pivot Point. Decline possible.
UltimateOscillator: 34.713154207346
🟡 Ultimate Oscillator within 30–70. Neutral signal.
ADLine: -743330.73397712
🔴 A/D Line falls with the price. Downtrend confirmed.
ROC: -0.05302226935313
🔴 ROC negative. Price is falling.
Summary Statistics (30m): 🟢 Buy: 4 🔴 Sell: 11 🟡 Hold: 7
RSI: 35.799802910845
🟡 RSI within 30–70 (neutral signal, Hold)
MACD: MACD: 5.7998733935346, SIGNAL: 5.6185666434308, HISTOGRAM: 5.7998733935346
🟢 Histogram above zero (Buy)
BollingerBands: SMA: 5.89915, UPPERBAND: 6.1735360601415, LOWERBAND: 5.6247639398585
🟡 Price within the range (Hold)
SMA: 5.89915
🔴 Price below SMA (Sell)
ADX: 14.853798116686
No trend (ADX < 20)
ATR: 0.1215970517564
High volatility. Relative ATR: 2.15%. Average price movement range: 0.12
Ichimoku: TENKAN: 5.859, KIJUN: 5.888, SENKOUA: 5.8735, SENKOUB: 6.0045
🔴 Price below Ichimoku cloud. Bearish trend.
VWAP: 5.9563871354027
🔴 Price below VWAP. Market appears bearish.
ParabolicSAR: 5.9048629126854
🔴 Price below SAR. Bearish trend.
EMACross: SHORTEMA: 5.7998733935346, LONGEMA: 5.8752782428157
🔴 Short EMA below long EMA. Bearish trend.
Fibonacci: 0%: 5.628, 23.6%: 5.847952, 38.2%: 5.984024, 50%: 6.094, 61.8%: 6.203976, 100%: 6.56
🟡 Fibonacci Levels provided for analysis.
ChaikinOscillator: 23645.237307354
🟢 Oscillator above zero. Money flow favors buying.
DonchianChannels: UPPER: 6.148, LOWER: 5.628, MIDDLE: 5.888
🟡 Price within the channel. Market is stable.
WilliamsR: -94.155844155844
🟢 Asset is oversold (Williams %R < -80).
KeltnerChannels: UPPER: 6.1315323159083, LOWER: 5.6667676840917, MIDDLE: 5.89915
🔴 Price below Keltner lower channel. Bearish breakout possible.
CCI: -154.20780441937
🔴 CCI below -100. Sell signal.
MACDHistogram: 0: 0
🟡 MACD Histogram at zero. Neutral trend.
HeikenAshi: OPEN: 5.7457426035055, CLOSE: 5.65725, HIGH: 5.7457426035055, LOW: 5.655
🔴 Bearish Heiken Ashi candle. Downtrend.
DPO: -0.24415
🔴 DPO negative. Local bearish momentum.
PivotPoints: PIVOT: 5.6926666666667, RESISTANCE1: 5.7503333333333, RESISTANCE2: 5.8426666666667, SUPPORT1: 5.6003333333333, SUPPORT2: 5.5426666666667
🔴 Price below Pivot Point. Decline possible.
UltimateOscillator: 32.227049926036
🟡 Ultimate Oscillator within 30–70. Neutral signal.
ADLine: -1265687.3736118
🔴 A/D Line falls with the price. Downtrend confirmed.
ROC: -0.05302226935313
🔴 ROC negative. Price is falling.
Summary Statistics (1h): 🟢 Buy: 4 🔴 Sell: 12 🟡 Hold: 6
RSI: 43.951880933275
🟡 RSI within 30–70 (neutral signal, Hold)
MACD: MACD: 5.9845573711137, SIGNAL: 5.7657675407119, HISTOGRAM: 5.9845573711137
🟢 Histogram above zero (Buy)
BollingerBands: SMA: 6.0117, UPPERBAND: 6.6862671501044, LOWERBAND: 5.3371328498956
🟡 Price within the range (Hold)
SMA: 6.0117
🔴 Price below SMA (Sell)
StochasticOscillator: 19.850746268657
🟢 Stochastic below 20 (oversold, Buy)
ADX: 13.400960403278
No trend (ADX < 20)
ATR: 0.63367452324069
High volatility. Relative ATR: 11.17%. Average price movement range: 0.63
Ichimoku: TENKAN: 5.925, KIJUN: 6.05, SENKOUA: 5.9875, SENKOUB: 7.22
🔴 Price below Ichimoku cloud. Bearish trend.
VWAP: 6.4890072507382
🔴 Price below VWAP. Market appears bearish.
ParabolicSAR: 6.6251277819443
🔴 Price below SAR. Bearish trend.
EMACross: SHORTEMA: 5.9845573711137, LONGEMA: 6.1545076968858
🔴 Short EMA below long EMA. Bearish trend.
Fibonacci: 0%: 4.57, 23.6%: 7.10936, 38.2%: 8.68032, 50%: 9.95, 61.8%: 11.21968, 100%: 15.33
🟡 Fibonacci Levels provided for analysis.
ChaikinOscillator: -1634317.8778044
🔴 Oscillator below zero. Money flow favors selling.
DonchianChannels: UPPER: 7.06, LOWER: 5.04, MIDDLE: 6.05
🟡 Price within the channel. Market is stable.
WilliamsR: -64.067796610169
🟡 Neutral market (Williams %R between -80 and -20).
KeltnerChannels: UPPER: 7.2823068674897, LOWER: 4.7410931325103, MIDDLE: 6.0117
🟡 Price within Keltner channel. Market is stable.
CCI: -57.246141463208
🟡 CCI within -100 to 100. Neutral market.
MACDHistogram: 0: 0
🟡 MACD Histogram at zero. Neutral trend.
HeikenAshi: OPEN: 6.0362099243875, CLOSE: 5.84925, HIGH: 6.148, LOW: 5.62
🔴 Bearish Heiken Ashi candle. Downtrend.
DPO: -0.3357
🔴 DPO negative. Local bearish momentum.
PivotPoints: PIVOT: 5.9796666666667, RESISTANCE1: 6.1873333333333, RESISTANCE2: 6.4216666666667, SUPPORT1: 5.7453333333333, SUPPORT2: 5.5376666666667
🔴 Price below Pivot Point. Decline possible.
UltimateOscillator: 44.493455235912
🟡 Ultimate Oscillator within 30–70. Neutral signal.
ADLine: -16293452.452163
🔴 A/D Line falls with the price. Downtrend confirmed.
ROC: -4.6531160759281
🔴 ROC negative. Price is falling.
Summary Statistics (1d): 🟢 Buy: 2 🔴 Sell: 11 🟡 Hold: 9
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