
Story (ip)


+0.11$ (2.39851%)

Trading Volume (24 hours): $103,056,128.00

Correlation with BTC


Against Trend

Historical Price Data
Last Pattern: Shooting Star

The "Shooting Star" pattern indicates a possible reversal to a downtrend.

Action: Consider selling.
Closing: $5.23
Time: 2025-03-06 23:30:00

Abnormal Volatility

Current Value: 3.81
Average Value: 1.92
Standard Deviation: 0.87
Description: Volatility is above 200% of the average value. This is abnormally high.

Abnormal Volume

Current Value: 124,044.47
Average Value: 109,792.44
Standard Deviation: 60,566.76
Description: Volume is within the normal range.

RSI: 54.684043286222
🟡 RSI within 30–70 (neutral signal, Hold)
MACD: MACD: 4.8651747361963, SIGNAL: 4.6437483598151, HISTOGRAM: 4.8651747361963
🟢 Histogram above zero (Buy)
BollingerBands: SMA: 4.848625, UPPERBAND: 4.9042772730892, LOWERBAND: 4.7929727269108
🟡 Price within the range (Hold)
SMA: 4.848625
🟢 Price above SMA (Buy)
StochasticOscillator: 50.234009360375
🟡 Stochastic within 20–80 (neutral signal, Hold)
ADX: 13.316609356752
No trend (ADX < 20)
ATR: 0.024699547950385
Medium volatility. Relative ATR: 0.51%. Average price movement range: 0.02
Ichimoku: TENKAN: 4.8625, KIJUN: 4.85195, SENKOUA: 4.857225, SENKOUB: 4.85375
🟢 Price above Ichimoku cloud. Bullish trend.
VWAP: 4.8530184815604
🟢 Price above VWAP. Market appears bullish.
ParabolicSAR: 4.89931
🔴 Price below SAR. Bearish trend.
EMACross: SHORTEMA: 4.8651747361963, LONGEMA: 4.8569985786265
🟢 Short EMA above long EMA. Bullish trend.
Fibonacci: 0%: 4.8039, 23.6%: 4.8481972, 38.2%: 4.8756014, 50%: 4.89775, 61.8%: 4.9198986, 100%: 4.9916
🟡 Fibonacci Levels provided for analysis.
ChaikinOscillator: 74.409646904225
🟢 Oscillator above zero. Money flow favors buying.
DonchianChannels: UPPER: 4.9, LOWER: 4.8039, MIDDLE: 4.85195
🟡 Price within the channel. Market is stable.
WilliamsR: -41.644908616188
🟡 Neutral market (Williams %R between -80 and -20).
KeltnerChannels: UPPER: 4.8952434324703, LOWER: 4.8020065675297, MIDDLE: 4.848625
🟡 Price within Keltner channel. Market is stable.
CCI: 20.123054650741
🟡 CCI within -100 to 100. Neutral market.
MACDHistogram: 0: 0
🟡 MACD Histogram at zero. Neutral trend.
HeikenAshi: OPEN: 4.8732331536836, CLOSE: 4.848, HIGH: 4.8735, LOW: 4.825
🔴 Bearish Heiken Ashi candle. Downtrend.
DPO: 0.019475
🟢 DPO positive. Local bullish momentum.
PivotPoints: PIVOT: 4.8714333333333, RESISTANCE1: 4.8773666666667, RESISTANCE2: 4.8882333333333, SUPPORT1: 4.8605666666667, SUPPORT2: 4.8546333333333
🔴 Price below Pivot Point. Decline possible.
UltimateOscillator: 58.054475894141
🟡 Ultimate Oscillator within 30–70. Neutral signal.
ADLine: -6586.0520051502
🟢 A/D Line rises with the price. Uptrend confirmed.
ROC: 0.032877838282129
🟢 ROC positive. Price is rising.
Summary Statistics (1m): 🟢 Buy: 9 🔴 Sell: 3 🟡 Hold: 10
RSI: 59.255837073278
🟡 RSI within 30–70 (neutral signal, Hold)
MACD: MACD: 4.8042139025037, SIGNAL: 4.576686089441, HISTOGRAM: 4.8042139025037
🟢 Histogram above zero (Buy)
BollingerBands: SMA: 4.772345, UPPERBAND: 4.8601554885535, LOWERBAND: 4.6845345114465
🟡 Price within the range (Hold)
SMA: 4.772345
🔴 Price below SMA (Sell)
StochasticOscillator: 100
🔴 Stochastic above 80 (overbought, Sell)
ADX: 14.424343163861
No trend (ADX < 20)
ATR: 0.033792939936505
Medium volatility. Relative ATR: 0.71%. Average price movement range: 0.03
Ichimoku: TENKAN: 4.80625, KIJUN: 4.7531, SENKOUA: 4.779675, SENKOUB: 4.8772
🔴 Price below Ichimoku cloud. Bearish trend.
VWAP: 4.8454733780718
🔴 Price below VWAP. Market appears bearish.
ParabolicSAR: 4.7964571050158
🔴 Price below SAR. Bearish trend.
EMACross: SHORTEMA: 4.8042139025037, LONGEMA: 4.8005822073733
🟢 Short EMA above long EMA. Bullish trend.
Fibonacci: 0%: 4.6637, 23.6%: 4.764472, 38.2%: 4.826814, 50%: 4.8772, 61.8%: 4.927586, 100%: 5.0907
🟡 Fibonacci Levels provided for analysis.
ChaikinOscillator: 10815.656955946
🟢 Oscillator above zero. Money flow favors buying.
DonchianChannels: UPPER: 4.8425, LOWER: 4.6637, MIDDLE: 4.7531
🟡 Price within the channel. Market is stable.
WilliamsR: -3.7162162162166
🔴 Asset is overbought (Williams %R > -20).
KeltnerChannels: UPPER: 4.8435736297096, LOWER: 4.7011163702904, MIDDLE: 4.772345
🟡 Price within Keltner channel. Market is stable.
CCI: 101.66660254191
🟢 CCI above 100. Buy signal.
MACDHistogram: 0: 0
🟡 MACD Histogram at zero. Neutral trend.
HeikenAshi: OPEN: 4.8205741920984, CLOSE: 4.825325, HIGH: 4.8425, LOW: 4.7971
🟢 Bullish Heiken Ashi candle. Uptrend.
DPO: 0.066855
🟢 DPO positive. Local bullish momentum.
PivotPoints: PIVOT: 4.8240333333333, RESISTANCE1: 4.8362666666667, RESISTANCE2: 4.8528333333333, SUPPORT1: 4.8074666666667, SUPPORT2: 4.7952333333333
🔴 Price below Pivot Point. Decline possible.
UltimateOscillator: 56.121238591679
🟡 Ultimate Oscillator within 30–70. Neutral signal.
ADLine: 65920.282369121
🟢 A/D Line rises with the price. Uptrend confirmed.
ROC: 0.40458949727161
🟢 ROC positive. Price is rising.
Summary Statistics (5m): 🟢 Buy: 8 🔴 Sell: 7 🟡 Hold: 7
RSI: 48.080996291555
🟡 RSI within 30–70 (neutral signal, Hold)
MACD: MACD: 4.8469698895291, SIGNAL: 4.6374075276269, HISTOGRAM: 4.8469698895291
🟢 Histogram above zero (Buy)
BollingerBands: SMA: 4.84954, UPPERBAND: 4.9248170190696, LOWERBAND: 4.7742629809304
🟢 Price below the lower band (Buy)
SMA: 4.84954
🔴 Price below SMA (Sell)
StochasticOscillator: 33.411214953271
🟡 Stochastic within 20–80 (neutral signal, Hold)
ADX: 15.089004470642
No trend (ADX < 20)
ATR: 0.075996767509081
Medium volatility. Relative ATR: 1.60%. Average price movement range: 0.08
Ichimoku: TENKAN: 4.894, KIJUN: 4.86935, SENKOUA: 4.881675, SENKOUB: 4.85515
🔴 Price below Ichimoku cloud. Bearish trend.
VWAP: 4.8369980197706
🔴 Price below VWAP. Market appears bearish.
ParabolicSAR: 4.9805552
🔴 Price below SAR. Bearish trend.
EMACross: SHORTEMA: 4.8469698895291, LONGEMA: 4.8427778760577
🟢 Short EMA above long EMA. Bullish trend.
Fibonacci: 0%: 4.6933, 23.6%: 4.7628492, 38.2%: 4.8058754, 50%: 4.84065, 61.8%: 4.8754246, 100%: 4.988
🟡 Fibonacci Levels provided for analysis.
ChaikinOscillator: 3272.5083493111
🟢 Oscillator above zero. Money flow favors buying.
DonchianChannels: UPPER: 4.988, LOWER: 4.7507, MIDDLE: 4.86935
🟡 Price within the channel. Market is stable.
WilliamsR: -68.478718921197
🟡 Neutral market (Williams %R between -80 and -20).
KeltnerChannels: UPPER: 4.9996873494274, LOWER: 4.6993926505726, MIDDLE: 4.84954
🟡 Price within Keltner channel. Market is stable.
CCI: -67.122086240051
🟡 CCI within -100 to 100. Neutral market.
MACDHistogram: 0: 0
🟡 MACD Histogram at zero. Neutral trend.
HeikenAshi: OPEN: 4.8357609486326, CLOSE: 4.82505, HIGH: 4.842, LOW: 4.8016
🔴 Bearish Heiken Ashi candle. Downtrend.
DPO: -0.024039999999999
🔴 DPO negative. Local bearish momentum.
PivotPoints: PIVOT: 4.8328666666667, RESISTANCE1: 4.8453333333333, RESISTANCE2: 4.8602666666667, SUPPORT1: 4.8179333333333, SUPPORT2: 4.8054666666667
🔴 Price below Pivot Point. Decline possible.
UltimateOscillator: 45.037452338622
🟡 Ultimate Oscillator within 30–70. Neutral signal.
ADLine: -237488.95166093
🟢 A/D Line rises with the price. Uptrend confirmed.
ROC: -0.10144087446174
🔴 ROC negative. Price is falling.
Summary Statistics (15m): 🟢 Buy: 5 🔴 Sell: 8 🟡 Hold: 9
RSI: 54.804548416642
🟡 RSI within 30–70 (neutral signal, Hold)
MACD: MACD: 5.1443183178963, SIGNAL: 4.8907433930458, HISTOGRAM: 5.1443183178963
🟢 Histogram above zero (Buy)
BollingerBands: SMA: 5.11767, UPPERBAND: 5.2825618324236, LOWERBAND: 4.9527781675764
🟢 Price below the lower band (Buy)
SMA: 5.11767
🔴 Price below SMA (Sell)
StochasticOscillator: 53.105828220859
🟡 Stochastic within 20–80 (neutral signal, Hold)
ADX: 13.908436191403
No trend (ADX < 20)
ATR: 0.17774515522589
High volatility. Relative ATR: 3.73%. Average price movement range: 0.18
Ichimoku: TENKAN: 5.15305, KIJUN: 5.01015, SENKOUA: 5.0816, SENKOUB: 4.99775
🔴 Price below Ichimoku cloud. Bearish trend.
VWAP: 4.9446019517878
🔴 Price below VWAP. Market appears bearish.
ParabolicSAR: 5.330698
🔴 Price below SAR. Bearish trend.
EMACross: SHORTEMA: 5.1443183178963, LONGEMA: 5.073812545974
🟢 Short EMA above long EMA. Bullish trend.
Fibonacci: 0%: 4.5176, 23.6%: 4.711238, 38.2%: 4.831031, 50%: 4.92785, 61.8%: 5.024669, 100%: 5.3381
🟡 Fibonacci Levels provided for analysis.
ChaikinOscillator: -19561.52477995
🔴 Oscillator below zero. Money flow favors selling.
DonchianChannels: UPPER: 5.3381, LOWER: 4.945, MIDDLE: 5.14155
🔴 Price below the lower channel. Bearish breakout possible.
WilliamsR: -50.775883998983
🟡 Neutral market (Williams %R between -80 and -20).
KeltnerChannels: UPPER: 5.4668096733028, LOWER: 4.7685303266972, MIDDLE: 5.11767
🔴 Price below Keltner lower channel. Bearish breakout possible.
CCI: 63.928190129282
🟡 CCI within -100 to 100. Neutral market.
MACDHistogram: 0: 0
🟡 MACD Histogram at zero. Neutral trend.
HeikenAshi: OPEN: 5.1407156963394, CLOSE: 5.2253, HIGH: 5.3213, LOW: 5.126
🟢 Bullish Heiken Ashi candle. Uptrend.
DPO: 0.020830000000001
🟢 DPO positive. Local bullish momentum.
PivotPoints: PIVOT: 5.0585333333333, RESISTANCE1: 5.1490666666667, RESISTANCE2: 5.2460333333333, SUPPORT1: 4.9615666666667, SUPPORT2: 4.8710333333333
🔴 Price below Pivot Point. Decline possible.
UltimateOscillator: 43.949893783838
🟡 Ultimate Oscillator within 30–70. Neutral signal.
ADLine: -1108968.8862343
🟡 A/D Line falls, but the price rises. Possible divergence.
ROC: 1.7101799251796
🟢 ROC positive. Price is rising.
Summary Statistics (30m): 🟢 Buy: 6 🔴 Sell: 8 🟡 Hold: 8
RSI: 62.834943376269
🟡 RSI within 30–70 (neutral signal, Hold)
MACD: MACD: 5.6022218588584, SIGNAL: 5.2189379335499, HISTOGRAM: 5.6022218588584
🟢 Histogram above zero (Buy)
BollingerBands: SMA: 5.39593, UPPERBAND: 5.9247671775887, LOWERBAND: 4.8670928224113
🟢 Price below the lower band (Buy)
SMA: 5.39593
🔴 Price below SMA (Sell)
StochasticOscillator: 85.13458677127
🔴 Stochastic above 80 (overbought, Sell)
ADX: 15.562422879202
No trend (ADX < 20)
ATR: 0.21702882038024
High volatility. Relative ATR: 4.56%. Average price movement range: 0.22
Ichimoku: TENKAN: 5.6383, KIJUN: 5.4847, SENKOUA: 5.5615, SENKOUB: 5.4847
🔴 Price below Ichimoku cloud. Bearish trend.
VWAP: 5.4573097688896
🔴 Price below VWAP. Market appears bearish.
ParabolicSAR: 5.3863393916176
🔴 Price below SAR. Bearish trend.
EMACross: SHORTEMA: 5.6022218588584, LONGEMA: 5.4854810317415
🟢 Short EMA above long EMA. Bullish trend.
Fibonacci: 0%: 4.6502, 23.6%: 4.9594544, 38.2%: 5.1507728, 50%: 5.3054, 61.8%: 5.4600272, 100%: 5.9606
🟡 Fibonacci Levels provided for analysis.
ChaikinOscillator: 51274.848557518
🟢 Oscillator above zero. Money flow favors buying.
DonchianChannels: UPPER: 5.9606, LOWER: 5.0088, MIDDLE: 5.4847
🔴 Price below the lower channel. Bearish breakout possible.
WilliamsR: -21.2299915754
🟡 Neutral market (Williams %R between -80 and -20).
KeltnerChannels: UPPER: 5.8144766415708, LOWER: 4.9773833584292, MIDDLE: 5.39593
🔴 Price below Keltner lower channel. Bearish breakout possible.
CCI: 108.85933452022
🟢 CCI above 100. Buy signal.
MACDHistogram: 0: 0
🟡 MACD Histogram at zero. Neutral trend.
HeikenAshi: OPEN: 5.8113278358, CLOSE: 5.798875, HIGH: 5.8779, LOW: 5.7361
🔴 Bearish Heiken Ashi candle. Downtrend.
DPO: 0.36307
🟢 DPO positive. Local bullish momentum.
PivotPoints: PIVOT: 5.8554, RESISTANCE1: 5.9731, RESISTANCE2: 6.0783, SUPPORT1: 5.7502, SUPPORT2: 5.6325
🔴 Price below Pivot Point. Decline possible.
UltimateOscillator: 39.958090892722
🟡 Ultimate Oscillator within 30–70. Neutral signal.
ADLine: -8327125.6996103
🟡 A/D Line falls, but the price rises. Possible divergence.
ROC: -1.8558598476457
🔴 ROC negative. Price is falling.
Summary Statistics (1h): 🟢 Buy: 6 🔴 Sell: 10 🟡 Hold: 6
DonchianChannels: UPPER: 9.0304, LOWER: 1.3533, MIDDLE: 5.19185
🟡 Price within the channel. Market is stable.
WilliamsR: -75.932318193068
🟡 Neutral market (Williams %R between -80 and -20).
KeltnerChannels: UPPER: 6.3655088186384, LOWER: 0.56428118136155, MIDDLE: 3.464895
🟡 Price within Keltner channel. Market is stable.
CCI: 3.0854105598248
🟡 CCI within -100 to 100. Neutral market.
DPO: -0.263895
🔴 DPO negative. Local bearish momentum.
PivotPoints: PIVOT: 3.1633333333333, RESISTANCE1: 3.5666666666667, RESISTANCE2: 4.1033333333333, SUPPORT1: 2.6266666666667, SUPPORT2: 2.2233333333333
🟢 Price above Pivot Point. Growth possible.
UltimateOscillator: 40.641657501481
🟡 Ultimate Oscillator within 30–70. Neutral signal.
ROC: 5.6435643564357
🟢 ROC positive. Price is rising.
Summary Statistics (1d): 🟢 Buy: 2 🔴 Sell: 1 🟡 Hold: 5
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