RSI: 34.028551274422
🟡 RSI within 30–70 (neutral signal, Hold)
MACD: MACD: 109.19314038836, SIGNAL: 110.75477412766, HISTOGRAM: 109.19314038836
🟢 Histogram above zero (Buy)
BollingerBands: SMA: 118.1585, UPPERBAND: 142.29424716059, LOWERBAND: 94.022752839409
🟡 Price within the range (Hold)
SMA: 118.1585
🔴 Price below SMA (Sell)
ADX: 13.302016226661
No trend (ADX < 20)
ATR: 10.979357262907
High volatility. Relative ATR: 11.54%. Average price movement range: 10.98
Ichimoku: TENKAN: 112.465, KIJUN: 117.05, SENKOUA: 114.7575, SENKOUB: 110.63
🔴 Price below Ichimoku cloud. Bearish trend.
VWAP: 118.22709942062
🔴 Price below VWAP. Market appears bearish.
ParabolicSAR: 121.33663976092
🔴 Price below SAR. Bearish trend.
EMACross: SHORTEMA: 109.19314038836, LONGEMA: 114.33290979957
🔴 Short EMA below long EMA. Bearish trend.
Fibonacci: 0%: 80.04, 23.6%: 95.85672, 38.2%: 105.64164, 50%: 113.55, 61.8%: 121.45836, 100%: 147.06
🟡 Fibonacci Levels provided for analysis.
ChaikinOscillator: -321939.66442765
🔴 Oscillator below zero. Money flow favors selling.
DonchianChannels: UPPER: 140.17, LOWER: 93.93, MIDDLE: 117.05
🟡 Price within the channel. Market is stable.
WilliamsR: -97.05805095876
🟢 Asset is oversold (Williams %R < -80).
KeltnerChannels: UPPER: 139.20339918683, LOWER: 97.113600813169, MIDDLE: 118.1585
🔴 Price below Keltner lower channel. Bearish breakout possible.
CCI: -137.41051976346
🔴 CCI below -100. Sell signal.
MACDHistogram: 0: 0
🟡 MACD Histogram at zero. Neutral trend.
HeikenAshi: OPEN: 104.60248804628, CLOSE: 98.715, HIGH: 104.60248804628, LOW: 94.7
🔴 Bearish Heiken Ashi candle. Downtrend.
DPO: -23.1085
🔴 DPO negative. Local bearish momentum.
PivotPoints: PIVOT: 104.38666666667, RESISTANCE1: 107.00333333333, RESISTANCE2: 111.66666666667, SUPPORT1: 99.723333333333, SUPPORT2: 97.106666666667
🔴 Price below Pivot Point. Decline possible.
UltimateOscillator: 37.143209850524
🟡 Ultimate Oscillator within 30–70. Neutral signal.
ADLine: -1004252.9485658
🔴 A/D Line falls with the price. Downtrend confirmed.
ROC: -7.1233144420559
🔴 ROC negative. Price is falling.
Summary Statistics (1d):
🟢 Buy: 3
🔴 Sell: 13
🟡 Hold: 6