Pi Network

Pi Network (pi)


-0.30$ (-17.41394%)

Trading Volume (24 hours): $836,054,395.00

Historical Price Data
Abnormal Volatility

No abnormal volatility found.

Abnormal Volume

No abnormal volumes found.

RSI: 54.171158603792
🟡 RSI within 30–70 (neutral signal, Hold)
MACD: MACD: 1.3349304659076, SIGNAL: 1.2731123899811, HISTOGRAM: 1.3349304659076
🟢 Histogram above zero (Buy)
BollingerBands: SMA: 1.33037, UPPERBAND: 1.3425762443036, LOWERBAND: 1.3181637556964
🟡 Price within the range (Hold)
SMA: 1.33037
🟢 Price above SMA (Buy)
StochasticOscillator: 83.561643835616
🔴 Stochastic above 80 (overbought, Sell)
ADX: 15.191784776833
No trend (ADX < 20)
ATR: 0.0087844935063137
Medium volatility. Relative ATR: 0.66%. Average price movement range: 0.01
Ichimoku: TENKAN: 1.33615, KIJUN: 1.3324, SENKOUA: 1.334275, SENKOUB: 1.35645
🟡 Price within Ichimoku cloud. Neutral trend.
VWAP: 1.3500000454061
🔴 Price below VWAP. Market appears bearish.
ParabolicSAR: 1.3307825715162
🟢 Price above SAR. Bullish trend.
EMACross: SHORTEMA: 1.3349304659076, LONGEMA: 1.3349460341566
🔴 Short EMA below long EMA. Bearish trend.
Fibonacci: 0%: 1.3185, 23.6%: 1.3364124, 38.2%: 1.3474938, 50%: 1.35645, 61.8%: 1.3654062, 100%: 1.3944
🟡 Fibonacci Levels provided for analysis.
ChaikinOscillator: 3390.9130109398
🟢 Oscillator above zero. Money flow favors buying.
DonchianChannels: UPPER: 1.3463, LOWER: 1.3185, MIDDLE: 1.3324
🟡 Price within the channel. Market is stable.
WilliamsR: -24.100719424461
🟡 Neutral market (Williams %R between -80 and -20).
KeltnerChannels: UPPER: 1.3474142052063, LOWER: 1.3133257947937, MIDDLE: 1.33037
🟡 Price within Keltner channel. Market is stable.
CCI: 138.37518888969
🟢 CCI above 100. Buy signal.
MACDHistogram: 0: 0
🟡 MACD Histogram at zero. Neutral trend.
HeikenAshi: OPEN: 1.3399861693729, CLOSE: 1.3404, HIGH: 1.3441, LOW: 1.337
🟢 Bullish Heiken Ashi candle. Uptrend.
DPO: 0.0092299999999998
🟢 DPO positive. Local bullish momentum.
PivotPoints: PIVOT: 1.3410666666667, RESISTANCE1: 1.3455333333333, RESISTANCE2: 1.3478666666667, SUPPORT1: 1.3387333333333, SUPPORT2: 1.3342666666667
🔴 Price below Pivot Point. Decline possible.
UltimateOscillator: 48.701452049465
🟡 Ultimate Oscillator within 30–70. Neutral signal.
ADLine: 152775.50267245
🔴 A/D Line falls with the price. Downtrend confirmed.
ROC: -0.26801667659321
🔴 ROC negative. Price is falling.
Summary Statistics (1m): 🟢 Buy: 7 🔴 Sell: 6 🟡 Hold: 9
RSI: 51.545305513804
🟡 RSI within 30–70 (neutral signal, Hold)
MACD: MACD: 1.3849139115698, SIGNAL: 1.3251235750701, HISTOGRAM: 1.3849139115698
🟢 Histogram above zero (Buy)
BollingerBands: SMA: 1.385735, UPPERBAND: 1.4138753109436, LOWERBAND: 1.3575946890564
🟢 Price below the lower band (Buy)
SMA: 1.385735
🔴 Price below SMA (Sell)
StochasticOscillator: 78.021978021978
🟡 Stochastic within 20–80 (neutral signal, Hold)
ADX: 14.452427108782
No trend (ADX < 20)
ATR: 0.038899526822075
High volatility. Relative ATR: 2.90%. Average price movement range: 0.04
Ichimoku: TENKAN: 1.37335, KIJUN: 1.37335, SENKOUA: 1.37335, SENKOUB: 1.3838
🔴 Price below Ichimoku cloud. Bearish trend.
VWAP: 1.3901670974883
🔴 Price below VWAP. Market appears bearish.
ParabolicSAR: 1.3258
🟢 Price above SAR. Bullish trend.
EMACross: SHORTEMA: 1.3849139115698, LONGEMA: 1.386924228124
🔴 Short EMA below long EMA. Bearish trend.
Fibonacci: 0%: 1.23, 23.6%: 1.2799848, 38.2%: 1.3109076, 50%: 1.3359, 61.8%: 1.3608924, 100%: 1.4418
🟡 Fibonacci Levels provided for analysis.
ChaikinOscillator: -395096.15050656
🔴 Oscillator below zero. Money flow favors selling.
DonchianChannels: UPPER: 1.4209, LOWER: 1.3258, MIDDLE: 1.37335
🟡 Price within the channel. Market is stable.
WilliamsR: -29.547844374343
🟡 Neutral market (Williams %R between -80 and -20).
KeltnerChannels: UPPER: 1.4636656631487, LOWER: 1.3078043368513, MIDDLE: 1.385735
🟡 Price within Keltner channel. Market is stable.
CCI: 85.293389452836
🟡 CCI within -100 to 100. Neutral market.
MACDHistogram: 0: 0
🟡 MACD Histogram at zero. Neutral trend.
HeikenAshi: OPEN: 1.3761299573084, CLOSE: 1.401775, HIGH: 1.4209, LOW: 1.3761299573084
🟢 Bullish Heiken Ashi candle. Uptrend.
DPO: 0.0070650000000001
🟢 DPO positive. Local bullish momentum.
PivotPoints: PIVOT: 1.3678333333333, RESISTANCE1: 1.3856666666667, RESISTANCE2: 1.4138333333333, SUPPORT1: 1.3396666666667, SUPPORT2: 1.3218333333333
🔴 Price below Pivot Point. Decline possible.
UltimateOscillator: 58.078020844535
🟡 Ultimate Oscillator within 30–70. Neutral signal.
ADLine: -1591610.7079214
🔴 A/D Line falls with the price. Downtrend confirmed.
ROC: 2.6003683241252
🟢 ROC positive. Price is rising.
Summary Statistics (5m): 🟢 Buy: 6 🔴 Sell: 7 🟡 Hold: 9
RSI: 62.797828791312
🟡 RSI within 30–70 (neutral signal, Hold)
MACD: MACD: 1.7980526441037, SIGNAL: 1.7171744156334, HISTOGRAM: 1.7980526441037
🟢 Histogram above zero (Buy)
BollingerBands: SMA: 1.796565, UPPERBAND: 1.8043576311346, LOWERBAND: 1.7887723688654
🟢 Price below the lower band (Buy)
SMA: 1.796565
🔴 Price below SMA (Sell)
StochasticOscillator: 58.878504672896
🟡 Stochastic within 20–80 (neutral signal, Hold)
ADX: 14.500146536656
No trend (ADX < 20)
ATR: 0.0096732610555882
Medium volatility. Relative ATR: 0.73%. Average price movement range: 0.01
Ichimoku: TENKAN: 1.7958, KIJUN: 1.7943, SENKOUA: 1.79505, SENKOUB: 1.6598
🔴 Price below Ichimoku cloud. Bearish trend.
VWAP: 1.7009228438249
🔴 Price below VWAP. Market appears bearish.
ParabolicSAR: 1.7870753107891
🔴 Price below SAR. Bearish trend.
EMACross: SHORTEMA: 1.7980526441037, LONGEMA: 1.7872340809337
🟢 Short EMA above long EMA. Bullish trend.
Fibonacci: 0%: 1.2977, 23.6%: 1.4178004, 38.2%: 1.4920998, 50%: 1.55215, 61.8%: 1.6122002, 100%: 1.8066
🟡 Fibonacci Levels provided for analysis.
ChaikinOscillator: -2518.5460038531
🔴 Oscillator below zero. Money flow favors selling.
DonchianChannels: UPPER: 1.8066, LOWER: 1.782, MIDDLE: 1.7943
🔴 Price below the lower channel. Bearish breakout possible.
WilliamsR: -34.259259259259
🟡 Neutral market (Williams %R between -80 and -20).
KeltnerChannels: UPPER: 1.8139748215356, LOWER: 1.7791551784644, MIDDLE: 1.796565
🔴 Price below Keltner lower channel. Bearish breakout possible.
CCI: 52.715400541489
🟡 CCI within -100 to 100. Neutral market.
MACDHistogram: 0: 0
🟡 MACD Histogram at zero. Neutral trend.
HeikenAshi: OPEN: 1.8000464679473, CLOSE: 1.800425, HIGH: 1.8059, LOW: 1.7925
🟢 Bullish Heiken Ashi candle. Uptrend.
DPO: 0.0026349999999999
🟢 DPO positive. Local bullish momentum.
PivotPoints: PIVOT: 1.7994, RESISTANCE1: 1.8038, RESISTANCE2: 1.8082, SUPPORT1: 1.795, SUPPORT2: 1.7906
🔴 Price below Pivot Point. Decline possible.
UltimateOscillator: 52.483998361342
🟡 Ultimate Oscillator within 30–70. Neutral signal.
ADLine: 3939632.8620973
🔴 A/D Line falls with the price. Downtrend confirmed.
ROC: -0.011114816049805
🔴 ROC negative. Price is falling.
Summary Statistics (15m): 🟢 Buy: 5 🔴 Sell: 10 🟡 Hold: 7
RSI: 53.567569012731
🟡 RSI within 30–70 (neutral signal, Hold)
MACD: MACD: 1.832968412516, SIGNAL: 1.7462163491448, HISTOGRAM: 1.832968412516
🟢 Histogram above zero (Buy)
BollingerBands: SMA: 1.823615, UPPERBAND: 1.8655082106671, LOWERBAND: 1.7817217893329
🟢 Price below the lower band (Buy)
SMA: 1.823615
🔴 Price below SMA (Sell)
StochasticOscillator: 50.375939849624
🟡 Stochastic within 20–80 (neutral signal, Hold)
ADX: 14.942323006095
No trend (ADX < 20)
ATR: 0.029510375306821
High volatility. Relative ATR: 2.22%. Average price movement range: 0.03
Ichimoku: TENKAN: 1.823, KIJUN: 1.81555, SENKOUA: 1.819275, SENKOUB: 1.81555
🔴 Price below Ichimoku cloud. Bearish trend.
VWAP: 1.8065697129251
🔴 Price below VWAP. Market appears bearish.
ParabolicSAR: 1.8022404201779
🔴 Price below SAR. Bearish trend.
EMACross: SHORTEMA: 1.832968412516, LONGEMA: 1.8221111322362
🟢 Short EMA above long EMA. Bullish trend.
Fibonacci: 0%: 1.513, 23.6%: 1.597252, 38.2%: 1.649374, 50%: 1.6915, 61.8%: 1.733626, 100%: 1.87
🟡 Fibonacci Levels provided for analysis.
ChaikinOscillator: -6067.8461342711
🔴 Oscillator below zero. Money flow favors selling.
DonchianChannels: UPPER: 1.87, LOWER: 1.7725, MIDDLE: 1.82125
🔴 Price below the lower channel. Bearish breakout possible.
WilliamsR: -39.574468085106
🟡 Neutral market (Williams %R between -80 and -20).
KeltnerChannels: UPPER: 1.8797620580976, LOWER: 1.7674679419024, MIDDLE: 1.823615
🔴 Price below Keltner lower channel. Bearish breakout possible.
CCI: 30.255299599659
🟡 CCI within -100 to 100. Neutral market.
MACDHistogram: 0: 0
🟡 MACD Histogram at zero. Neutral trend.
HeikenAshi: OPEN: 1.8382126424204, CLOSE: 1.831, HIGH: 1.8392, LOW: 1.8231
🔴 Bearish Heiken Ashi candle. Downtrend.
DPO: 0.0091849999999998
🟢 DPO positive. Local bullish momentum.
PivotPoints: PIVOT: 1.8349666666667, RESISTANCE1: 1.8425333333333, RESISTANCE2: 1.8560666666667, SUPPORT1: 1.8214333333333, SUPPORT2: 1.8138666666667
🔴 Price below Pivot Point. Decline possible.
UltimateOscillator: 56.11622261319
🟡 Ultimate Oscillator within 30–70. Neutral signal.
ADLine: -70694.933118177
🟡 A/D Line rises, but the price falls. Possible divergence.
ROC: 0.20776380535812
🟢 ROC positive. Price is rising.
Summary Statistics (30m): 🟢 Buy: 5 🔴 Sell: 9 🟡 Hold: 8
Summary Statistics (1h): 🟢 Buy: 0 🔴 Sell: 0 🟡 Hold: 0
Summary Statistics (1d): 🟢 Buy: 0 🔴 Sell: 0 🟡 Hold: 0
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